Saturday, October 27, 2012

Shackles of a Saved Soul

(for I speak to those who know the Law). The passage refers to the Law of the state (Roman Law), and the Law of God (Mosaic Law), which had over a thousand years trial with God’s chosen people. Both divine and civil Law maintain a hold on a man for as along as he lives. There is nothing wrong with the Law, it was good; the problem was that Israel did not keep the Law. Remember, that Stephen in his defense said that they had “…received the Law by the disposition of angels, and have not kept it’ (Acts 7:53). Peter calls it a yoke “which neither our fathers or we were able to bear” (Acts 15:10). On the occasion that this letter was written, the apostle is talking to those who, whether Jews or Gentiles by birth, were acquainted with the principles of Law, and so were familiar with what is conveyed in the following statement.

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