Sunday, September 23, 2012

When Faith Falters, Gen 12:10-13:4

When Faith Falters, Gen 12:10-13:4    FREE BIBLE STUDIES, SERMONS, AND DEVOTIONS

One of my favorite Hymn writers is Fanny Crosby. Although she was blind, Fanny Crosby wrote over eight thousand hymns. There is a great story behind how she came to write the Hymn titled “All the Way my Savior Leads Me.” Story has it that Fanny was worried about money that she needed to pay bills. She needed five dollars and she did not know where she would get it. Instead of letting her faith guide her, she let her fear consume her. As she was worrying about the situation a knock came at the door; it was someone who felt led to give her five dollars. This person had no idea of her need, but felt led to give Fanny this amount. To Fanny, this was a rebuke of her lack of faith and trust in the Lord. It was out of a faltering faith that Fanny Crosby wrote “All the Way My Savior Leads Me.”

In the believer’s journey of faith there are going to be those moments when faith falters. Just as Fanny Crosby had a faltering faith, today’s study of Abram will reveal a faltering faith. And if we look into our own journey of faith, we too, will see moments where our faith faltered. You could say that a faltering faith is inevitable, but it does not mean that we should not try to avoid it at all cost.Any study of the life of Abraham is a study that can help us learn lessons that may help our faith grow. This study may help us realize the attitudes and choices that can hamper our journey of faith and perhaps we can avoid those attitudes and choices when they come our way. We must remember that the journey of faith is a process of maturity and that there are different stages within the process. There are stages of great success and there are stages of great defeat.

And our faithful God uses both success and failure to mature us in our faith.

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