Friday, November 30, 2012

Jews and Greeks and Wisdom, 1 Cor 1.18-25

Jews and Greeks and Wisdom, 1 Cor 1.18-25

FREE BIBLE STUDY!—on 1st Corinthians

Paul had the best Jewish education available at that time; but the plain preaching of a crucified Jesus, was more powerful than all the oratory and philosophy of the heathen world. This is the essential point and substance of the gospel. Christ crucified is the foundation of all our hopes, and the fountain of all our joys. And by his death we live. The preaching of salvation for lost sinners by the sufferings and death of the Son of God, if put in plain words by a child of God, appears foolish to those on the road to destruction.

The Period Of The Judges, Gaal’s Call to Rebellion, Judges 9.26-9.29

The Period Of The Judges, Gaal’s Call to Rebellion, Judges 9.26-9.29

FREE BIBLE STUDY!—The period of the Judges of Israel.

and the men of Shechem put their confidence in him;...
The men of Shechem freely told him of the harsh opinion they had of Abimelech, and they confided in him what their strategy was against him; and he assured them he would take their part, and defend them to the utmost; therefore, they depended on him, and they felt secure and went about their business.

Paul's Epistle to the Romans, Relationship to Other Believers

Paul's Epistle to the Romans, Relationship to Other Believers

FREE BIBLE STUDY! Paul’s epistle to the Romans.

9 Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.

Let love be without dissimulation. The directives in this section are a practical outgrowth of the Sermon on the Mount. The brotherhood of believers is expected to have a mutual love toward one another. Thus the apostle says, Let love be without dissimulation. Dissimulation literally means "without hypocrisy or insincerity." We must genuinely love one another.

Harmony of the Gospels, Peter's Mother-In-Law Healed and Others,(Isaiah 53:4) Matthew 8:14-17, Mark 1:24-34, Luke 4:38-41

Harmony of the Gospels, Peter's Mother-In-Law Healed and Others,(Isaiah 53:4) Matthew 8:14-17, Mark 1:24-34, Luke 4:38-41

FREE BIBLE STUDY! Life of Jesus in chronological order.

Peter was married and he was living in Capernaum. There are those who claim that Peter never married, but these verses prove that he did. Evidentially, he took Jesus home for dinner, but when they got there, his mother-in-law was sick with a fever. Jesus touched her and she was healed at that instant, because she got right up and cooked dinner.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Divisions and Wisdom, 1 Cor. 1.10-17

Divisions and Wisdom, 1 Cor. 1.10-17
and that there be no divisions"No schisms," in the Greek. If there were none, and all "were perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment," all would "speak the same thing." There would be no variation in what they have to say. It is evident, from what follows, that, while the Corinthians had not separated into various church organizations, they had formed several parties within the church. Organized sects, claiming to be "branches of the church," were unknown till centuries later. Today, many new churches begin as a split from the home church.

The Period Of The Judges, The Shechemite’s Quarrel With Abimelech,Judges 9.22-9.25

The Period Of The Judges, The Shechemite’s Quarrel With Abimelech,Judges 9.22-9.25

God judges both the city of Shechem and Abimelech. Everything was fine for three years; after that, God sent a spirit of ill will between Abimelech and the men of Shechem. The men of Shechem begin to set ambushes on the mountain roads, hoping to disrupt the trade routes that profited Abimelech. The people in general accepted what the men of Shechem had done; murdering three score and ten of Gideon’s sons; at least they did not oppose it. They all desired a king, and therefore were willing to put up with a cruel person, rather than have none. It is amazing that they had not rose up as one man against Abimelech, and avenged the blood of the sons of Gideon, who had been so beneficial and helpful to them; it is said that he reigned over all Israel, and his reign, such as it was, was very short, as is often the case with wicked princes.

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Paul's Epistle to the Romans, Relationship to Gifts of the Spirit

Paul's Epistle to the Romans, Relationship to Gifts of the Spirit

We should never have exaggerated ideas of our own importance. We should not over-estimate ourselves, or think more of ourselves than we ought to. What then is the true standard by which we ought to assess ourselves? Here is a caution against pride; and an exhortation not to judge ourselves by our talents, wealth, or office, but to form another standard for judging ourselves; by our Christian character.

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Harmony of the Gospels

Harmony of the Gospels

And they went into Capernaum; and straightway on the sabbath day he entered into the synagogue, and taught. (Mark 1:21)

One time, the religious leaders questioned Jesus about His activities on the Sabbath Day. When He answered them, He told them, “…..My Father worketh hitherto, and I work” (John 5:17). And He didn’t just work for eight hours and then check out. Psalms 121:4 says, “Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall never slumber nor sleep.” On this particular Sabbath Day, He entered into the synagogue early in the morning and began to teach.

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Matthew wrote this about when Jesus died on the cross.

And Jesus… yielded up His spirit. Then, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split. So when the centurion and those with him, who were guarding Jesus, saw the earthquake and the things that had happened, they feared greatly, saying, “Truly this was the Son of God!” Centurions represented the best of Roman men. They rose through the ranks to become commanders of one hundred men. Those who appear in the New Testament are presented as strong and good men.

 Read about this Roman soldier in “FREE sermons and devotions.”

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Commentary on 1st Corinthians, 1 Corinthians 1.4-1.9

Commentary on 1st Corinthians, 1 Corinthians 1.4-1.9

GRACE — favor or kindness shown without regard to the worth or merit of the one who receives it and in spite of what that person deserves. Grace is one of the key attributes of God. The Lord God is “merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abounding in goodness and truth” (Ex. 34:6). Therefore, grace is almost always associated with mercy, love, compassion, and patience.


The Period Of The Judges, Application of the Fable, Judges 9.16-9.21

The Period Of The Judges, Application of the Fable, Judges 9.16-9.21

Jehovah is known by the judgment which he carries out; His holiness and His revulsion at sin are often displayed in his actions against sinful men. A ruler who winked at evil would soon be known by all his subjects to be evil himself; on the other hand, a ruler who is consistently "just" in his judgments reveals that he is an honorable man, and he will gain the respect of all his subjects. So long as our God is God, he will not, he cannot spare the guilty; except through that one glorious way in which he is just, and yet the justifier of him that places his faith in Jesus.


Paul's Epistle to the Romans, Relationship to God

Paul's Epistle to the Romans, Relationship to God

The particular exhortations of this chapter can be reduced to the three main principals of Christian duty: our duty to God, to ourselves, and to our brother. The grace of God teaches us, in general, to live "godly, soberly, and righteously;’’ and to deny all that is contrary to those principals. Now, this chapter will help us to understand what Paul means by godliness, sobriety, and righteousness.


Harmony of the Gospels

Harmony of the Gospels

And Jesus walking by the Sea of Galilee, saw two bretheren, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea; for they were fishers. And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. (Matthew 4:18-19)

Jesus had three meetings with these men. He met with them the first time in Jerusalem. See [1]John 1:35-42. He did not call them at that time. This is the record of the second meeting, and this time, He asks them to “follow Him”. They go with Him briefly at this time and then return to fishing. Mark and Luke provide more details of this meeting, than Matthew does. The third time that He calls them, it is to apostleship. That meeting is recorded in Luke 5:1-11. At that time, they leave their nets and follow Him as His apostles.

It is very comforting for me to know that He uses simple men like these. They were not super-duper saints and that gives me hope that He may even be able to use a person like me. The important thing is for us to give ourselves to Him. The body of Christ has many members, and their gifts vary; but all are important to Him.


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Commentary on 1st Corinthians,

Commentary on 1st Corinthians,

Paul has been called by God, that is, set apart by the will of God. Now, two things are required of anyone that would be listened to in the Church, and would occupy the place of a teacher; first, he must be called by God to that office, and second he must faithfully discharge its duties. Paul here lays claim to both. For the name, Apostle, implies that the individual conscientiously acts the part of an ambassador for Christ, and proclaims the pure doctrine of the gospel. But, no one ought to assume this honor to himself, unless he has been called to it.—FREE BIBLE STUDY!

The Period Of The Judges, Jotham's Fable, Judges 9:7-15

The Period Of The Judges, Jotham's Fable, Judges 9:7-15

There are tremendous lessons in this fable. For example, the general worthlessness of kings appears here. "This contempt for the monarchy is apparent at a very early date in ‘Judges.’ In this fable, the briar, which is good for nothing else, has the leisure to become king, but it cannot provide shelter for the trees, and is more likely to catch fire and include all of them in its ruin."—FREE BIBLE STUDY!

Paul's Epistle to the Romans, Reason for Restoring the Nation Israel

Paul's Epistle to the Romans, Reason for Restoring the Nation Israel

In the first eleven chapters of this epistle Paul shows that the human race is split into two segments: Jew and Gentile. The promises of God came to the Jews first, but they failed to receive those promises and crucified the Lord of Glory, instead. This resulted in the extension of those promises to the Gentiles. The day is prophesied, however, when Israel will once again be restored to the Father, and God will have mercy upon all, both Jew and Gentile. This plan of God calls forth awe-inspiring praise.—FREE BIBLE STUDY!

Moves to Capernaum, Matthew 4:13-17, Isaiah 9:1-2

Moves to Capernaum, Matthew 4:13-17, Isaiah 9:1-2

Nazareth was Jesus’ hometown, but when Nazareth rejected Him, he went down to Capernaum. That would be His headquarters until the day that He made His last trip to Jerusalem. Capernaum appears in prophecies of His first coming.—Free Bible Study!


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Monday, November 26, 2012

Commentary on Titus and Jude

Commentary on Titus and Jude
All Christians experience the new birth and by baptism are dedicated and devoted to Christ, and are under strict obligations to be holy. But in the true church of God, all are sanctified in Christ Jesus, all are called to be saints, all recognize Him as God manifest in the flesh and the source of all the blessings of salvation; furthermore, all acknowledge and obey him as their Lord, and as Lord of all; and no others are included.

The Period Of The Judges, Abimelech King of Shechem, Judges 9.1-9.6

The Period Of The Judges, Abimelech King of Shechem, Judges 9.1-9.6

At first glance, it might appear that this pitiful tale of the scoundrel Abimelech is unimportant. However, the events of this chapter came very near to being the end of the nation of Israel. "Shechem, along with a scattering of Israelites, changed their government to rule by a monarch with absolute authority over all facets of life; it was nearly the end of Israel." If Abimelech had been successful in transforming their religion, all Israel might have renounced their covenant relationship with Jehovah. This reversion to Canaanite Baalism involved the official recognition of Baal as the covenant god.


Paul's Epistle to the Romans, Restoration of the Nation Israel, Romans 11:22-32

Paul's Epistle to the Romans, Restoration of the Nation Israel, Romans 11:22-32

Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God:

So, in the parable of the olive tree, we see two great contrasting aspects of God’s character—His goodness and His severity. His severity is on display in the removal of Israel from the favored-nation status. His goodness is seen in His turning to the Gentiles with the gospel (see [1]Acts 13:46; [2]18:6). But that goodness must not be taken for granted. The Gentiles could also be cut off if they do not maintain the faith which the Savior found during His earthly ministry (see [3]Matt. 8:10; [4]Luke 7:9).


Rejected at Nazareth,

Rejected at Nazareth,

We have an advantage over the prophets, because to them both the First Coming and Second Coming were in the future. Our advantage is that we stand in the valley between the two events. We can look back to His First Coming, when He came to save and to fulfill Isaiah 53. We can look forward to His Second Coming, but before that happens, the church will be removed from the earth. In John 14:3 Jesus said, “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.”


Sunday, November 25, 2012

Introduction to 1st Corinthians

Introduction to 1st Corinthians


In 1Co 5:9, we read, "I wrote unto you in an Epistle not to company with fornicators;" it is implied that Paul had written a previous letter to the Corinthians (which has been lost). Probably in it he had also called upon them to make a contribution for the poor saints at Jerusalem, at which they seem to have asked for instructions on how to go about it, to which he now replies ([17]1Co 16:2). It also probably announced his intention of visiting them on the way to Macedonia, and again on his return from Macedonia ([18]2Co 1:15, 16), but he changed his mind after hearing the unfavorable report from Chloe's household.

The Period Of The Judges, Gideon and his God Were Soon Forgotten By an Ungrateful Israel, Judges 8.33-8.35

The Period Of The Judges, Gideon and his God Were Soon Forgotten By an Ungrateful Israel, Judges 8.33-8.35


And it came to pass, as soon as Gideon was dead, that the children of Israel turned again,... from God, and the pure worship of Him, to idolatry: which reveals the disposition of the Hebrew people. It seems that as soon as Gideon was dead that they put off the worship of Jehovah God and turned to worshipping foreign gods; particularly, the local Baal gods. It was not an impulsive decision but was something they desired for a long time and perhaps even prepared for; they wanted a god like the nations around then, a God they could see and touch; and for awhile (even while Gideon lived) they worshipped Gideon’s ephod; for which Gideon was to blame for allowing it to go on.

Paul's Epistle to the Romans, Reason for Setting Aside the Nation Israel

Paul's Epistle to the Romans, Reason for Setting Aside the Nation Israel


Paul now raises another rhetorical question to prove a point; which the apostle proceeds to answer. Have they stumbled that they should fall? Here we should add the word finally or forever. Did they stumble so that they may possibly fall and never be restored? Are they, as a nation, utterly irrecoverable? The meaning of Paul’s question becomes clear when it is worded this way: “Is it the design of God that the Jews should totally and irrecoverably be cast off? Even admitting that they are now unbelieving, that they have rejected the Messiah, that they have stumbled, is it the purpose of God finally to exclude them from mercy?” No! God has not forgotten is people. Abraham asked, “Shall not the judge of all the earth do right?” (Genesis 18:25). The answer is “yes!” Jehovah God made a covenant with Abraham that was everlasting. Every promise God made to his people, Israel, will be fulfilled in its entirety.

Harmony of the Gospels, Healing of the Nobleman's Son, John 4:46-54

Harmony of the Gospels, Healing of the Nobleman's Son, John 4:46-54  FREE BIBLE STUDY!
When he heard that Jesus was come out of Judea into Galilee, he went unto him, and besought him that he would come down, and heal his son: for he was at the point of death. (John 4:47)

Here is a father that is exercising his faith on behalf of his son. He left his son, near death in Capernaum, and went to Cana, because he heard that Jesus was there. Now his only hope to save his son is that he can find Jesus in time and that Jesus will help him. I believe that this father is disparate. This event illustrates that we need to make sure that our children have a personal contact with Jesus Christ. We should exercise our influence with our children in bringing them to Christ. We should be a witness to our loved ones and reveal in our lives, that we have a living faith in Christ, and that it works. Remember, if you are a parent, your life has a powerful influence upon your children for good and bad.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Jude, Paul's Epistles, Commentary, verse by verse

Jude, Paul's Epistles, Commentary, verse by verse--FREE BIBLE STUDY!
Jude had originally intended to write about the glorious salvation that is the common possession of all believers. But God’s Spirit so influenced this yielded scribe that he sensed a change of direction. A simple doctrinal essay would no longer do; it must be a fervent appeal that would strengthen the readers. They must be stirred up to contend earnestly for the faith. Attacks were being made on the sacred deposit of Christian truth, and efforts were already launched to whittle away the great fundamental doctrines. In order to combat this, God’s people must stand uncompromisingly for the inspiration, inerrancy, authority, and sufficiency of God’s Holy Word.
Yet, in contending for the faith, the believer must speak and act as a Christian. As Paul wrote: “And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient” (2 Tim. 2:24). He must contend without being argumentative, and testify without ruining his testimony.

The Period Of The Judges, He Died In Honor, Judges 8.29-8.32

The Period Of The Judges, He Died In Honor, Judges 8.29-8.32--FREE BIBLE STUDY!
And Jerubbaal the son of Joash went and dwelt in his own house…The subject is Gideon, who was also called Jerubbaal; see [1](Judges 6:32) and [2](Judges 7:1). After his great victory over the Midianites, he went to Ophrah (his city) and lived in his own house; see [3](Judges 9:5). The war having ended, he disbanded his army, and retired to his own house; not that he lived altogether a private life there, but he continued as a judge in Israel, where he was successful in preserving and maintaining their religion and liberties. 

Paul's Epistle to the Romans, Remainder of Israel Blinded, Romans 11:7-10

Paul's Epistle to the Romans, Remainder of Israel Blinded, Romans 11:7-10  FREE BIBLE STUDY!
Israel was zealous in their efforts to obtain righteousness, but they went about it in the wrong way. They thought they were righteous because they kept the Law. But the truth is, they never kept it, they did not obey God, and they rejected Christ. They were self-righteous, but they were not righteous in God’s eyes. Therefore, God blinded them to the understanding of His Word and hardened their hearts. The blessings they received at the hand of God became a stumblingblock, because they took that as proof that God was satisfied with their outward religious acts of worship. Finally, God gave the Gospel to the Gentiles, who would believe. To this day, the Jews hearts are hardened, except for a remnant who have accepted Jesus as their Savior.

Harmony of the Gospels, Return to Galilee, Mark 1:15, Luke 4:15, John 4:43-45

Harmony of the Gospels, Return to Galilee, Mark 1:15, Luke 4:15, John 4:43-45  FREE BIBLE STUDY!
And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the Gospel. (Mark 1:15)

“Repent ye, and believe the Gospel.” At this time, the message of Jesus is the same as what John the Baptist preached, “ Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” (Matthew 3:2 and 4:7) I believe that today the message is really turned around; that is, we put faith before repentance. However, when you turn in faith to Jesus Christ, you turn away from something. When you turn to Christ, you turn from sin. When you turn from your sin there will be changes in your life, which will be evidence of your faith. There is no contradiction, because both faith and repentance are involved in salvation. The important thing is for people to believe the Gospel.

Friday, November 23, 2012

The Epistle to Titus, Paul's letters, Pastorial Epistle, commentary-easily understood

The Epistle to Titus, Paul's letters, Pastorial Epistle, commentary-easily understood--Free Bible Study!

Besides the general themes that Titus shares in common with the other two Pastoral Epistles, Titus gives a fine concise summary of how a believer should embellish the doctrine of grace with godliness and good works. Many today who seem pleased with the doctrine of grace apparently have little interest in displaying it in good works, or even godliness. Such an attitude is wrong and suggests a misapprehension of true grace.

Paul sums up the theme perfectly: “This is a faithful saying, and these things I want you to affirm constantly, that those who have believed in God should be careful to maintain good works” (3:8a).

The Period Of The Judges, Gideon Kept the Country Quiet for Forty Years, Judges 8.28

The Period Of The Judges, Gideon Kept the Country Quiet for Forty Years, Judges 8.28

28 Thus was Midian subdued before the children of Israel, so that they lifted up their heads no more. And the country was in quietness forty years in the days of Gideon. (Judges 8:28; KJV)

Thus was Midian subdued before the children of Israel. The Midianites were humbled and brought under the authority of Israel by the hand of Gideon; their power over Israel was broken, and the Israelites were liberated out of their hands. It is evident from our study of Gideon that the invasion of the Arab hordes into Canaan was as shocking and desolating as the explosion of the Huns into Europe. It was the severest affliction ever inflicted upon Israel; and both it and the deliverance under Gideon lived for centuries in the minds of the people ([1]Psalms 83:11).

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Paul's Epistle to the Romans, Remnant of Israel Finding Salvation

Paul's Epistle to the Romans, Remnant of Israel Finding Salvation--Free Bible Study!
The theology of Romans 9–11 magnifies God’s grace and exalts His sovereignty. Never lose the wonder of your salvation or of the greatness of God. No matter how deep the valley or difficult the battle, a vision of God’s greatness puts joy in your heart and strength in your soul. God knows what He is doing even if you do not understand it fully.

There is a future for Israel; Paul is proof of that (see v. 1 and [1]1 Tim. 1:16 below), and so is Israel’s past history (vv. 2–10). God has always had a believing remnant in Israel, no matter how dark the day. When you become discouraged about the future of the church and feel that you may be the only faithful Christian left, read 1 Kings 19 and focus on God’s greatness.

We cannot explain all the purposes and plans of God, but we can worship and praise Him for who He is. The result of all Bible study is worship, and the result of all worship is service to the God we love.

Harmony of the Gospels, Samaritan Woman At Jacobs Well, John 4:5-42

Harmony of the Gospels, Samaritan Woman At Jacobs Well, John 4:5-42
Then saith the woman of Samaria unto him, How is it that thou, being a Jew, asketh drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria? for the Jews have no dealings with Samaritans. (John 4:9)

This woman has refused His request. She is rude and insolent. But Jesus knows how to deal with her. He doesn’t give her a lecture or offer some theological doctrine. He just appeals to her native curiosity and this creates an interest and a thirst.

Why was there this great animosity between the Samaritans and the Jews? It was because the Samaritans had the same ancestors as the Jews, but they had intermarried with people from the north, during the Asserian captivity of Israel in 721 BC. At that time, the Jews that were not taken captive were gathered to Samaria. In time they developed their own society and they even had a different place to worship. They worshipped at their synagogue on Mount Gerizim, instead of at Jerusalem. Jews treated Samaritans as low individuals and to make contact with them would make them unclean. And this attitude by the Jews, caused the Samaritans to hate them.

Harmony of the Gospels, Samaritan Woman At Jacobs Well, John 4:5-42

Harmony of the Gospels, Samaritan Woman At Jacobs Well, John 4:5-42
Then saith the woman of Samaria unto him, How is it that thou, being a Jew, asketh drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria? for the Jews have no dealings with Samaritans. (John 4:9)

This woman has refused His request. She is rude and insolent. But Jesus knows how to deal with her. He doesn’t give her a lecture or offer some theological doctrine. He just appeals to her native curiosity and this creates an interest and a thirst.

Why was there this great animosity between the Samaritans and the Jews? It was because the Samaritans had the same ancestors as the Jews, but they had intermarried with people from the north, during the Asserian captivity of Israel in 721 BC. At that time, the Jews that were not taken captive were gathered to Samaria. In time they developed their own society and they even had a different place to worship. They worshipped at their synagogue on Mount Gerizim, instead of at Jerusalem. Jews treated Samaritans as low individuals and to make contact with them would make them unclean. And this attitude by the Jews, caused the Samaritans to hate them.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

The Problem With Immoral Church Members, 1 Corinthians 6.1-13

The Problem With Immoral Church Members, 1 Corinthians 6.1-13
1 It is reported commonly that there is fornication among you, and such fornication as is not so much as named among the Gentiles, that one should have his father's wife.

It is reported commonly that there is fornication among youThe apostle had taken them to task over the divisions within the Church due to the members aligning themselves with certain ministers, and now he proceeds to accuse them of immoral acts within the ranks of the membership; one of these was notorious, since the offender was not just a hearer, but was a member of the Church. What made it so aggravating to the apostle was that the people talked about the affair, but they did not do anything about it—it was still going on. Now it was a full blown scandal, people outside the church were aware of the goings on, and it was damaging the reputation of the Church.

The Period Of The Judges, He Foolishly Gratified the Superstitious Humor of His People, [Judges 8.24-8.27]

The Period Of The Judges, He Foolishly Gratified the Superstitious Humor of His People, [Judges 8.24-8.27]

The Period Of The Judges, He Foolishly Gratified the Superstitious Humor of His People, [Judges 8.24-8.27]

The Period Of The Judges, He Foolishly Gratified the Superstitious Humor of His People, [Judges 8.24-8.27]
which thing proved a snare to Gideon and to his house; was a snare to him if he consulted it as an oracle, because that would be a sin, since the only “Urim and Thummim” belonged to the breastplate at Shiloh.

Whatever Gideon’s reason for making the ephod, the end result was that all Israel went thither a whoring after it so that it became a snare unto Gideon, and to his house . It is possible that Gideon meant no harm by his actions and was equally shocked by the unfortunate result. Some commentators suggest that he actually made an idol clothed with the ephod, but this seems highly unlikely. Instead of giving glory to God for His miraculous deliverance, the people began worshiping the loot of that deliverance. The fact that it became a snare unto Gideon would imply that he was not happy with this result.

Harmony of the Gospels, Leaves for Galilee, Matthew 4:12, Mark 1:14, Luke 4:14, John 4:1-4

Harmony of the Gospels, Leaves for Galilee, Matthew 4:12, Mark 1:14, Luke 4:14, John 4:1-4
Now Jesus goes to Galilee. This is the area where He grew up, because Nazareth is there. Also, Capernaum is by the Sea of Galilee, and He has made that city His home base.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Corinthians and the Apostle Paul, 1 Corinthians 4.14-4.21

The Corinthians and the Apostle Paul, 1 Corinthians 4.14-4.21
The most simple truths of the gospel, as to man's sinfulness and God's mercy, repentance towards God, and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, stated in the plainest language, suit the people better than deeper mysteries. Men may have a great deal of doctrinal knowledge, yet be mere beginners in the life of faith and experience. Contentions and quarrels about religion are sad evidences of carnality. True religion makes men peaceable, not contentious. But it is to be lamented, that many who should walk as Christians, live and act too much like other men. Many professors and preachers, show themselves to be carnal and arrogant by creating strife, being eager for heated discussions, and their readiness to despise and speak evil of others.

The Period Of The Judges, Gideon Modestly Declines the Government of Israel

The Period Of The Judges, Gideon Modestly Declines the Government of Israel
22 The men of Israel said to Gideon, “You, then your son, and then your grandson, must rule us. You rescued us from Midian.”-Judges 8:22-23 (GW)

Then the men of Israel said unto Gideon…Some time after his return, the chief men of Israel met in a body to decide upon the future government of Israel. They decided upon Gideon, and sent a deputation to him with an offer that would make him king over Israel. The success of Gideon against the feared and hated Midianites marked him as the one blessed with divine favor. He was the strongest man in Israel, as far as his influence and popularity is concerned, and the most likely candidate for ruler.

"The men of Israel" did not include all the twelve tribes, but probably only the northern tribes of the western part of the land already mentioned in [1]Judges 6:35 , who had suffered more severely from Midianite oppression, and had been the first to gather round Gideon to make an attack upon the foe.

Paul's Epistle to the Romans, Present Standing of Israel

Paul's Epistle to the Romans, Present Standing of Israel
5 For Moses writes about the righteousness which is of the Law, “The man who does those things shall live by them.”

This is a quotation from [1]Leviticus 18:5 (see below). Literally, its meaning is “the man that hath done these things,” talking about everything a man has done in the past. For a person to become righteous by keeping the Law they must keep the whole Law for their entire life, since the failure to keep even one of God’s commands causes the person to fall below God’s standard, and to be condemned to death. Granted that you could attain righteousness by keeping the Law, but it would be your own righteousness, not God’s righteousness. It would never measure up to His (see [2]James 2:10). A Jew who is able to perfectly meet all the requirements of God would still not be saved. No one, except Christ, has ever been able to keep all the commands of God.

Harmony of the Gospels, Jesus Co-Ministry With John, John 3:22-30

Harmony of the Gospels, Jesus Co-Ministry With John, John 3:22-30
After these things came Jesus and his disciples into the land of Judea; and there he tarried with them, and baptized. And John also was baptizing in Aenen near to Salem, because there was much water there: and they came, and were baptized. For John was not yet cast into prison. (John 3:22-24)

“After these things”, is after the things that are written in the previous verses, and Jesus has just finished His interview with Nicodemus. Here it says that Jesus was baptizing, and later on it will be reported that His disciples were baptizing. John the Baptist was close by and he was also baptizing, “because there was much water there.” This is one of the passages that I believe proves that immersion is the proper mode of baptism. If they were sprinkling, why would they need much water? The record of the baptism of Jesus and the Ethiopian eunuch, also point to immersion. For example, the gospel writer says of Jesus’ baptism, that “He came up out of the water.” Also, immersion is a better picture of the death and resurrection of Christ. It is my opinion that scripture teaches that immersion is the proper mode of baptism.

At this time, John was still able to preach, “…..the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matthew 3:2). But, Herod will soon imprison him.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Paul's Epistle to the Romans, Present State of Israel

Paul's Epistle to the Romans, Present State of Israel
Paul’s teachings were revolting to the unconverted Jews. They considered him a traitor and an enemy of Israel. But here he assures his Christian brethren to whom he was writing that the thing that would bring the greatest delight to his heart and the thing for which he prays to God more attentively than anything else for Israel is that they may be saved. He is expressing the caring attitude that he has for his people, and a fervent desire for their salvation. Spiritual desires should always be turned into prayer.

Jesus Teaches Nicodemus About Second Birth, The History of Pharisees, Jesus Explains Being Born Again

Jesus Teaches Nicodemus About Second Birth, The History of Pharisees, Jesus Explains Being Born Again
I believe that if you took the Pharisee out of the Gospels, you could not have the Gospels. Almost everything Jesus said (almost everything), He said it over against the Pharisees. Almost everything Jesus did (almost everything), He did in some form of confrontation with the Pharisees. Either they were confronting Him or He was confronting them. In fact, there is more than one place in the Bible where He actually “baited” them. There is a continual movement, backwards and forwards between them.

Monday, November 12, 2012

The Corinthians and Their Apostles,

The Corinthians and Their Apostles,
Judge nothing—Here the apostle instills in them an important lesson; in fact it is one of the most important lessons of Christianity—not to adopt a harsh opinion regarding the conduct of any man, since there are so many things that go into making up his character, which we have no way of knowing, because there are so many secret failings and motives which are all concealed from us.

The Period Of The Judges, Gideon Honorably Slays the two Kings of Midean

The Period Of The Judges, Gideon Honorably Slays the two Kings of Midean
When Gideon arrived back home at Ophrah, leading Zebah and Zalmunna captive, the procession must have been as exciting as a ticker-tape parade. Gideon was a true hero, with only 300 men, he had routed the enemy camp and then pursued the fleeing soldiers across the Jordan River and as far south as Karkor. He had brought his royal prisoners back, plus whatever spoils the men had gathered along the way. Gideon had a personal matter to settle with these two kings because they were guilty of killing his brothers at Tabor.

According to Mosaic Law, the family was to avenge crimes like this by killing those responsible for the murders. There was no police system in the land, and each family was expected to track down and punish those who had murdered their relatives, provided the culprit was guilty (see Numbers 35.9-34). In the case of Zebah and Zalmunna, the culprets were not only murderers but also enemies of Israel.

Paul's Epistle to the Romans, The Choice of Gentiles in the Scriptural Prophesies

Paul's Epistle to the Romans, The Choice of Gentiles in the Scriptural Prophesies
As He says also in Hosea--Now Paul was arguing with Jews, and he knew that the only way to reinforce his argument was with quotations from their own scriptures. Therefore, he appeals to a number of Old Testament prophecies concerning God’s people and the principle of election.

Harmony of the Gospels, Jesus is received at Jerusalem, many believed in Him

Harmony of the Gospels, Jesus is received at Jerusalem, many believed in Him
No one ever challenged the miracles. Thousands were healed of disease and demon-possession. The Holy Spirit has chosen to give us only a glimpse of all the things that Jesus did. The people saw the miracles and the religious leaders and the Pharisees were also witnesses to them. It was no different here; during the feast, Jesus healed many, and people believed in Him because of the miracles. But this was not saving faith, they merely nodded assent at the miracles He did. Now notice what happens next.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Servants of Christ and Their Work, Servants of Christ and Their Work

Servants of Christ and Their Work, Servants of Christ and Their Work
In this chapter we have an account, of the constancy of the apostle and his fellow-laborers in their work.
• Their constancy is declared (v. 1).
• Their sincerity is affirmed (v. 2).
• An objection is anticipated (v. 3, v. 4).

Many Corinthian believers were rejecting both Paul’s teaching and his authority. Paul reasserted his authority over them, all the while emphasizing his role as “servant” and “steward” of the mysteries of God—the truths of the gospel. A “steward” (Gk. oikonomos) is the servant who is entrusted with the administration of his master’s business or property. Life, itself is a stewardship, so be faithful (vv. 1–5). We judge ourselves, and others judge us; but the Final Judge is the Lord. Live to please Him alone.

He Justly Chastises the Insolence of the Men of Succoth and Penuel

He Justly Chastises the Insolence of the Men of Succoth and Penuel
and said, behold, Zebah and Zalmunna, with whom ye did upbraid me. They taunted Gideon saying that he would never capture the Midianite kings; that they were not currently in his hands, and never would be. That he and his three hundred men was an unequal match to them with their 15,000 men; but our Lord does what man cannot do. This small Gideon-band plus God had taken them, and brought them along as prisoners, and perhaps spared them for this very reason, to let the men of Succoth see that they were in his hands; and now Gideon calls upon them to behold them with their own eyes, those that had defied and laughed at him

The Choice of Israel is in the Sovereign Purpose of God

The Choice of Israel is in the Sovereign Purpose of God
Israel’s rejection of Christ did not ruin God’s plan, for He went to the Gentiles [2](Acts 15:14) who gladly received the good news. However, God has a remnant among the Jews [3](Rom. 9:27–29), and believing Jews and Gentiles are one in the church [4](Eph. 2:11–22). His mercy endures forever!

Harmony of the Gospels

Harmony of the Gospels
And the Jew’s Passover was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. (John 2:13)

Jesus began His ministry in Cana of Galilee, went to Capernaum, and is now in Jerusalem.

Notice that John labels the feast of Passover as the “Jew’s Passover.” This is no longer the “Lord’s Passover”, as it was called in Exodus 12:27, “That ye shall say, It is the sacrifice of the Lord’s Passover, …..” It has become merely a religious feast, quite meaningless, just a ritual to go through. The one of whom the Passover speaks, has now come, "…..For even Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us.” (1 Corinthians 5:7)

Friday, November 9, 2012

The Worldly Wise Man and Wisdom,1 Corinthians 3.18-23

The Worldly Wise Man and Wisdom,1 Corinthians 3.18-23
If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world,This seems to refer to some individual in the Church of Corinth, who had caused trouble that led to disputes and disunity; probably Diotrephes, who is mentioned in 3 John 1.9: “I wrote unto the church: but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the preeminence among them, receiveth us not,” or someone with a similar attitude, who wanted to have the pre-eminence, and thought he was wiser than everyone else. Every Christian Church has one or more of these.

It may be that Paul is being a little sarcastic here. Of course the Corinthians did consider themselves wise in their time! That was one of their problems, they loved worldly wisdom.

The Period Of The Judges, He Bravely Pursues the Flying Midianites

The Period Of The Judges, He Bravely Pursues the Flying Midianites
And Gideon went up by the caravan route ...that is, he took his 300 weary men down the same road that the Arabians and Kedarenes traveled with their flocks; nomads, who dwelt in tents for the sake of caring for their flocks. As the Targum and Jarchi put it; he did not pursue them by the main road, but went in a roundabout way, where these people dwelt in tents, so that he might surprise the soldiers of the kings of Midian, who were unaware of their movements; and he came upon them east of Nobah and Jogbehah.

Paul's Epistle to the Romans, Israel Identified, Romans 9:6-13

Paul's Epistle to the Romans, Israel Identified, Romans 9:6-13
One of the objects of Paul’s argument is to show that God had determined to bring Gentiles into His favor. The phrase “who are of Israel,” probably refers to the patriarch Jacob, and the meaning is that not all that are born of Jacob (his descendents) belong to the true Israel, the people of God. Israel, as subjects of the kingdom of God, does not consist simply of the natural descendants of Jacob; the kingdom contains Gentiles, as well.

First Stay in Capernaum, John 2.12

First Stay in Capernaum, John 2.12
It should be pointed out that His brothers did not believe in him, at this time. John 7:5 says, “For even his own brothers did not believe in him.” They may have thought that He was just carried away with religious enthusiasm. Later, they would believe, and one of His brothers, James, would become the head of the church in Jerusalem.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Apostles and Wisdom, 1 Corinthians 3.5-3.17

Apostles and Wisdom, 1 Corinthians 3.5-3.17
but ministers by whom ye believed,Although Paul was the greatest apostle of the New Testament, he nevertheless refers to himself here with a title which has received various translations; the meaning being, "servant," "minister," or "deacon." Paul would not tolerate factions, not even one that proposed to honor him as a man. He believed they were servants to Christ and to his churches, and not lords; they did not assume any authority over men, or pretend to lord it over God's people; there is but one Lord and master, and that is Christ, whom they served, and taught others to obey.

The Period Of The Judges, The Cynical, Judges 8.5-8.9

The Period Of The Judges, The Cynical, Judges 8.5-8.9
1. His resolve was very commendable. He accomplished his objective under the greatest disadvantages and discouragements that he could possibly face. He took his 300 men and that was all, who now laid aside their trumpets and torches, and took the swords and spears from the dead Midianites. God had said, “By these 300 men will I save you” (ch. 7:7); and, having great confidence in that promise, Gideon kept only the 300—“When Gideon came to the Jordan, he and the three hundred men who were with him crossed over, exhausted but still in pursuit” (Judges 8.4). He expected more from 300 men, supported by a promise from God, than from thousands supported only by their own bravery.

Paul's Epistle to the Romans, Israel Defended, Romans 9:1-5

Paul's Epistle to the Romans, Israel Defended, Romans 9:1-5
my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Spirit, --Not “my conscience bearing me witness.” His conscience bore witness in accordance with God’s word. Moreover, it was a conscience enlightened and guided by the Holy Spirit. Only when the Holy Spirit controls the conscience, can it be trusted—but it remains imperfect, and its counsel must always be evaluated against the Word of God.

Harmony of the Gospels, Jesus turns water into wine, first miracle of Jesus

Harmony of the Gospels, Jesus turns water into wine, first miracle of Jesus
This is Jesus first miracle. Moses first miracle was to turn water into blood. Jesus turned water into wine. Moses gave the law, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. What a contrast!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Immature Corinthians and Wisdom, 1 Corinthians 3.1-4

Immature Corinthians and Wisdom, 1 Corinthians 3.1-4
All believers receive the Holy Spirit when they are saved. We are born again through the effects of the Holy Spirit, we are indwelt by the Spirit, we are sealed by the Spirit; but spiritual development and growth depend upon the extent to which we submit ourselves to the Holy Spirit, to be led and controlled by him. Paul pleaded with the Romans to present their bodies a living sacrifice and their members as instruments of righteousness. He admonished the Ephesians to be filled with the Spirit. It is a Bible fact that a person can possess the Spirit, even though the Holy Spirit does not possess that believer.

The Period Of The Judges, Gideon Prudently Pacifies the Offended Ephraimites [Judges 8.1-8.4]

The Period Of The Judges, Gideon Prudently Pacifies the Offended Ephraimites [Judges 8.1-8.4]
The pride and conceit of Ephraim as the most powerful of the tribes of Israel is evident in this. Their inheritance in the mountains had preserved them from many of the marauding expeditions of Israel's enemies. Joshua had been of their tribe, and Bethel and Shiloh in their territory were the earliest locations of the Tabernacle, thus making Ephraim somewhat like the religious capital of the Twelve Tribes.

Paul's Epistle to the Romans, The Blessing of Love, Romans 1:31-39

Paul's Epistle to the Romans, The Blessing of Love, Romans 1:31-39
The Spirit of God makes the love of God real to us. The Father is for us (vv. 31–32), the Son is for us (v. 34), and the Spirit is for us (vv. 26–27). Nothing can separate us from His love. Is there any reason why we should not be “more than conquerors”?


The men that Jesus gathered to Him were common men. They had to be trained by Him and it would take time for them to become strong and faithful. In the beginning they were often afraid and unsure of themselves. They would require His constant attention and it would take the events of His Baptism, His transfiguration, the cross and his death, His resurrection, His ascension and the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost for them to become that group of men who would begin to build His church.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Paul's Epistle to the Romans, The Blessing of Guidance, Romans 8:26-30

Paul's Epistle to the Romans, The Blessing of Guidance, Romans 8:26-30
26 Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession* for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.

The Spirit helps us with our weaknesses. It is not the case that He helps at times when we are weak, but since we live in a state of weakness, He is helping us continually.

Harmony of the Gospels

Harmony of the Gospels
Why was Jesus Christ tempted? It was to demonstrate that we have a sinless savior. He proved that all power had been given to Him. Satan did not have anything to offer Him. There is a man in heaven today that experienced all aspects of our life, so that he could understand us and be our advocate. In 1 John 2:1-2, it says, “My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: and he is the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.” We can depend upon the Lord Jesus, no matter what our circumstances in life might be.