Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Lawyer Hears the Story of the Good Samaritan

Lawyer Hears the Story of the Good Samaritan

The lesson today is one of the parables that characterize the gospel of Luke. His gospel is full of the wonderful parables that Jesus used to make a point. Dr. Luke majors in parables just like Mark majors in miracles. Dr Luke records some parables that are among some of the most familiar parts of the Bible. The parable of the Good Samaritan is probably the best-known story. I have read where some consider it the greatest story ever told.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Getting Guidance from God, Genesis 24.67

Getting Guidance from God, Genesis 24.67

In the book of Genesis we can read the story of how Abraham received guidance from God to obtain a wife for his son Isaac.  We can examine this story to learn what steps Abraham, his servant, and Isaac took to obtain God’s guidance. Then, we will see what we can do to get God’s guidance.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Parable of the Good Shepherd, John 10:1-21

Parable of the Good Shepherd, John 10:1-21
The ancient sheepfold of that day still exists in many towns in that land. It was a public sheepfold. In the evening all the shepherds who lived in the town would bring their sheep to the sheepfold and turn them in for the night. They would trust them to the porter who kept the sheep; then they would go to their homes for the night. The next morning the shepherds would identify themselves to the porter, and he would let them in the door to get their sheep.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Rahab's Faith, Hebrews 11.31

Rahab's Faith, Hebrews 11.31


Thursday, July 26, 2012

Man Born blind Healed; Following Consequences

Man Born blind Healed; Following Consequences

The Lord has been giving His discourse on the Light of the World. Because He claimed He is God, the Jews wanted to kill Him. Jesus “hid” Himself as He went out of the temple, “going through the midst of them” (John 8:59). It was a miracle that He could escape this angry mob. His time had not yet come, and so they could not lay their hands on him.
The incident which now follows is still really a continuation of the discourse on the Light of the World. The enemies of the Lord Jesus could not see because they were spiritually blind. The blind man also could not see, even when the Light of the World stood before him, but Jesus is going to reveal Himself to him. Before the blind man can see, he must have his eyes restored. Light must be received. There must be a receiver as well as a sender of Light.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Salvation by Grace vs. Good Works


We must stand firm in believing that salvation is, “not of works, lest any man should boast.” 
But, on the other hand, we must admit, our experience is that faith in Jesus leads us to do good works.  Where there is no good works, the Holy Spirit is not present.  The faith that does not produce good works is not saving faith. 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Growing Conflict With the Devil’s Sons

Growing Conflict With the Devil’s Sons

The issue is Jesus Christ.  He put these Jews on the spot.  They had to make a decision concerning him.  You must make a decision concerning Him.  Either He is the Truth, or He is a liar.  Either He is God and Savior, or He is not.  You must decide.  Either you accept Him or you reject Him.  Remember, your decision does not affect in any way who He is.  He is the great I AM, Jehovah, the eternal God.  Your decision is to accept or reject this.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Teaching Sermons For Pastors and Laymen

Teaching Sermons For Pastors and Laymen

Some preachers are better than others, but none of them can preach a better gospel.  The origin of salvation is found in today’s text: For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God” ( Eph. 2:8 (KJV). We can be saved only because God is willing to save us.  And He was willing to give His only begotten Son to save us, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 (KJV).  It’s God’s love for us, not our love for Him, which saves us.  We have seen that God’s grace is the source of our salvation, but I want to add that the means of salvation is “through faith.”  But Paul also added, “and not of yourselves.”  Salvation cannot come from anything we do, because of the weakness and inability of human nature. 

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Christ—The Light of the World, John 8:12-20

Christ—The Light of the World, John 8:12-20

Here is Jesus saying, “I am the light of the world.” He has exposed the sin of the scribes and Pharisees who brought the woman guilty of adultery. Because they were just as guilty as she, they had to run away. When one turns on the light, all the rats, and bats, and the bedbugs crawl away. Light exposes sin, which is the reason the scribes and Pharisees had to leave.

Friday, July 20, 2012

The Face of Favor: Simon of Cyrene

The Face of Favor: Simon of Cyrene

“Where you there when they crucified my Lord?”  Simon of Cyrene was.  He was one of the faces beneath the cross, and we will find that he was highly favored by God.  He carried the cross to Golgotha, where Jesus was crucified.  We will use our imaginations today to fill in some of the implied details and see his story as it may have been.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Harmony of the Gospels, Forgiveness of Adulteress

Harmony of the Gospels, Forgiveness of Adulteress

 (John 7:53) And every man went unto his own house.

 No one invited Jesus into his home.  It was a feast night, but Jesus went out to the Mount of Olives.  As far as we know, He never spent a night in Jerusalem.

 How about you, my friend?  Do you go to your own home and leave Jesus out in the cold?  Or have you accepted His wonderful invitation, so that you live in the love and light of His presence

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Mystery of Pain and Suffering, Luke 13:1-5

The Mystery of Pain and Suffering, Luke 13:1-5

Some people see no mystery about the problem of suffering.  They believe that suffering is the result of an unavoidable law that every cause produces an effect.  They would reason that suffering is due to some great sin the sufferer has committed.  However, Christians have a problem with suffering that non-Christians don’t have.  Christianity proclaims that God is love and that He loves the whole world.  But, if this is true, why does He permit undeserved suffering?  If God loves, and He has all power, then He should protect us from pain and suffering.  Some have sought to solve this problem by saying that those who suffer have been guilty of some sin and have brought God’s judgment on themselves.  This simplistic solution to a complex question is unsatisfactory and incorrect.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Feast of Tabernacles, John 7:2, 11-52

Feast of Tabernacles, John 7:2, 11-52

The Jews who were looking for Him were the religious rulers—they were looking for Him and expecting Him because the Law required that He come to the feast.  The people were divided in their opinion of Christ.  Some thought He was a good man (moral, honest); while others thought He was a deceiver (interested only in leading people astray). Because the Jewish hierarchy had not stated their opinion, the people feared expulsion from the synagogue if their open opinion conflicted with the Sanhedrin.  There was a lot of discussion concerning Jesus, but it was all done secretly, because anyone would be attacked for making any statement that would be inclined in His favor and they would be in danger of arrest. 

Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Secret of Facing Need, Philippians 4:4-20

The Secret of Facing Need, Philippians 4:4-20

We are going to be given nine things to do when we face need.  It’s amazing that each are positive reactions; the very opposite of how we usually react. 

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Disciples Contend for Greatness, Matthew 18:1-10

Disciples Contend for Greatness, Matthew 18:1-10

There never was a greater pattern for humility than Jesus, and there was never a greater preacher of it, than Jesus. On several occasions, He had talked to his disciples and followers about it. I wonder, is there a bit of worldly ambition present in these men that He had called to be His disciples?  I believe they may have been doing a bit of bragging among themselves, and now they come to Jesus to see who He thinks is the greatest disciple. 

Friday, July 13, 2012

The Stone is Rolled Away

The Stone is Rolled Away
Peter had set high standards for himself, standards that he could never have lived up to; he was just a man. And because he couldn’t forgive himself, he couldn’t believe that Jesus could forgive him either. "Not after what I have done. I went too far. I don’t deserve your forgiveness Jesus. While you were being beaten, and crucified, I denied I ever knew you. I was only thinking of myself and not you..."

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

First Stay in Capernaum, John 2.12

First Stay in Capernaum, John 2.12

Harmony of the Gospels

-AD 27-

Capernaum, “His City”

(5) First Stay in Capernaum

John 2:12

After this he went down to Capernaum, he, and his mother, and his brethren, and his disciples: and they continued there not many days.  (John 2:12)

Joseph’s name is not mentioned, and I believe that he was dead by this time.  As the oldest son, Jesus was the head of the family.  That’s why His mother and His brothers accompanied Him.  He supported them and they traveled with Him at this time.  He traveled with a large group.  Remember, that at one time, He sent out 70.  There were more than twelve disciples; but the twelve were His inner group that He trained.  They were His friends, which would be entrusted with the mission of building His church. 

“After this,” probably refers to the time that His hometown, Nazareth, would not receive Him.  When He went into the synagogue and read from Isaiah, they said, “…..Is not this Joseph’s son?”  (Luke 4:22)  They would have killed Him, but it was not His time.  He walked out of Nazareth and took His family and disciples to Capernaum.  This would be His headquarters, for the remainder of His earthly ministry. 

It should be pointed out that His brothers did not believe in him, at this time.  John 7:5 says, “For even his own brothers did not believe in him.”  They may have thought that He was just carried away with religious enthusiasm.  Later, they would believe, and one of His brothers, James, would become the head of the church in Jerusalem.

Capernaum was not only His headquarters, but it was also where more miracles were done than in any other city.  Jesus would comment about this and rebuke the people who lived there, for their unbelief.  They should have believed in Him, because He spoke more often in their synagogues and did more miracles there.